GSWB runners get up to speed
The GSWB Cross Country Team headed to Minooka for their second meet of the season. Athletes competed against much larger schools and did an awesome job!
Mikayla Vermaat competed in the JV 1 mile race and ran her best time of 7:41. She was able to place in the top 25. Mikayla continues to improve and get stronger each meet.
In our girls Varsity 2 mile race, Chloe Biros led the tigers with a time of 16:31. Coming next was Kaylee Tousignant with a time of 16:57 and Lily Eddy at 16:59. Lilly Scheuber came in with a time of 22:31. This race had over 70 athletes in it and the Lady Tigers showed up to compete!
For the Varisty Boys 2-mile race, Mason Jordan came in with a time of 14:48 followed by David Allen at 15:45. Ty Tijelle finished strong with a time of 19:17. Coach Residori is proud of all the hard work she is seeing during meets!