Post 1336, CCMS partner on veterans project

St. Juvin Post 1336 Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) once again partnered with Coal City Middle School to send holiday greetings to area veterans.
The Cards for Vets program started in 2013 when Post 1336 quartermaster Jim Richards asked the activity director at one of the skilled care facilities members were visiting if the veterans there received Christmas cards.Post members were at the facility to present service logo tapestry throws to veterans.
When Richards found out they received very few cards he decided to get his grandson Cason Headley and his classmates involved. Richards collects Christmas cards that are sent out by various organizations during the holiday season with solicitations for donations. The students then write a short note inside the card thanking the vets for their service. The cards are addressed using the list of veterans provided by the facilities. Post 1336 supplies the postage stamps.
This year, seventh grade students in Rachel Shore's language arts classes had the honor of sending 75 Christmas cards to veterans in skilled care/assisted living facilities in Wilmington, Dwight and Morris.
Since Richards started the program over 400 Christmas cards have been sent to these vets.